Ajirit Campaign—
Young Women in Motion


JULY 2023

Ajirit campaign in collaboration with Addis Powerhouse, which is part of the “nurturing young women’s political agency for peace” project, has been presented to an audience made up of partners, donors, academicians, government stakeholders, and young women in politics and activism.

With a focus on amplifying their voices, perspectives, and political demands, Ajirit aimed to ensure that young women's roles and interests are no longer disregarded or sidelined in platforms dedicated to both women and youth.

We're excited to embark on this journey together and create spaces where young women's voices are heard, valued, and amplified.

Watch Ajrit episodes on Addis Powerhouse YouTube channel, to witness the strength, resilience, and determination of young women’s voices in Ethiopia.


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Presentation from Addis Powerhouse


Workshop participants in action

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Nurturing Young Women's Political Agency for Peace

Media Production, Digital Campaign

Recap of a two day workshop on network building brought together fierce young women from political spaces and diverse feminist organizations.

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